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Frictional (Nonelastic) Resistance

Resistance to Gas Flow

Airway Resistance

Flow Regimens in the Airways

Laminar Flow

Poiseuille's Law and Airway Resistance

Turbulent Flow

Tracheobronchial or Transitional Flow

Types of Flow in the Lung and Distribution of Airway Resistance

Dynamic Compliance

Dynamic Pressure-Volume Curves

Peak and Plateau Airway Pressure

Lung Inflation Pressure and Equation of Motion

Exhalation Mechanics and Cephalad Flow Bias

Expiratory Flow Limitation

Effort-Dependent and Effort-Independent Expiratory Flow Rate

Isovolume Pressure-Flow Curve

Time Constants in Ventilation

Effect of Compliance

Effect of Airway Resistance

Frequency Dependence of Compliance
